Green With Frenvy

Are you familiar with the term “Frenvy”?   The other day, I was pleasantly surprised to not only learn of this word but also to discover that it perfectly describes a feeling that I experience pretty often.  In case you are also clueless about this word, as I was until two days ago, it basically means to be jealous of a friend.  Doesn’t sound like something anyone would aspire to; however, I have definitely felt the sting of jealously after having learned of a friends success in some area of their life.  And, until I read an article in the July issue of O Mag titled When Envy Strikes by Christie Aschwanden, feeling this way toward a good friend made me feel like a terrible person.  In the article, Aschwanden explains that there are two types of envy – one that is positive and one that is negative.  The negative one comes from a negative place (no shock there) and causes a person to wish for bad things to happen to the person that they are envious of.  The positive type, which is the one that I experience from time to time, can actually be a motivating factor.  It is the type that makes you think, as Aschwanden perfectly puts it,”If she can do it, so can I”. This is the exact thing I feel when I am around some of my old college friends who still have their wonderfully toned college bodies  – I don’t wish more cellulite upon them, I just hit the gym even harder!


Categories: Motivation

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1 reply

  1. Such a good word! And I definitely know what envy from a good place comes from – every time I’m in the gym, I get super jealous of my friends for being super crazy fit (they’re professional fighters, so maybe not so surprising…). Regardless, I demand that I work harder myself so I can try and keep up 🙂

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