Five Minute Friday – Grasp

And just like that, it’s Friday again!  Not familiar with Five-Minute Friday?  Find out more about it here.


Grasping for straws.  Grasping a hand.  Grasping a concept.

I think that one is my favorite.  When the kids grasp something new, the look on their face as that lightbulb inside goes off, is priceless.  They haven’t yet learned to mask that response and haven’t grown cynical about learning new things as us adults do at time.  That look – that ‘I got it’ look is just awesome.

And here, with 3 minutes left to go on the clock, I am fresh out of ideas for this particular word.  Last week, I actually chickened out of doing FMF because when I saw the word – Wide – nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing came to mind.  This week I promised myself that no matter what the word was, I would sit down for five minutes and write SOMETHING about it.

Wait – perhaps, I have grasped and embraced the whole idea of FMF.  Not to be intimidated by the challenge of writing whatever comes to mind, but to just sit down and write something that may not be perfect or elegant, but it is my words and my thoughts.  And, it is just fine.

Geez, that was hard! 🙂


Categories: Five-Minute Friday

4 replies

  1. Joy…victory in Jesus! Victory, victory victory! Okay, I’m not normally that loud. I just felt like shouting that over you! Sometimes it’s just about showing up. Sounds simple, but sometimes it’s the absolute hardest thing to do. I thought about bailing this week too. So glad we both stayed the course. Hope to keep seeing you… 🙂

  2. I’m so excited you took the plunge! I love your observation at the end. It is hard to write unscripted, unplanned and unedited; but after you’re done and step back and think about it, you realize how freeing it is too. I didn’t realize how much I subconsciously censor myself when I’m writing until the challenge. Now, I’m looking forward to doing FMF again.

  3. Dropping in from the FMF link up. Great post! Sometimes these word prompts are so tricky, it is tempting to sit out some weeks. Kudos to you for making it through 🙂

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